Purpose and Mission
To make the Word of God available in the Urdu language to people around the world so that, in the end, each one—through the power of the Holy Spirit—might come to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for eternal salvation, grow in the grace and knowledge of Him, and be encouraged by His life—both now and forever.
Scripture itself provides us the guide for all Grace Bible Church Pakistan ministry. Matthew 4:23 states, "Jesus went about … teaching … preaching … and healing." We first teach those who believe (Matt. 5:1-2), then we preach (evangelize) to those who do not yet know Him (Matt. 4:17), and then we meet physical needs (heal) as we are able (Matt. 4:24). The spiritual needs of men always come before the physical needs, but we do not ignore the needs of the body (James 2:14-16).
As a CHURCH, Grace Bible Church Pakistan is more than just buildings used for public worship: We are a family without borders that reaches around the world and upholds each other through loving one another, praying for one another, and forgiving one another. We congregate for fellowship and for face-to-face teaching as men and women read out loud and teach God’s Word in Pakistan.
"Until I come, give attention to the public reading of Scripture,
to exhortation and teaching." 1TI 4:13
As an OUTREACH MINISTRY, pastors and leaders of each Grace Bible Church location send a team of two or more men to several villages every week to pray with and encourage the Christian families living in remote areas. An elder in each church and their wives make sure all widows are cared for and their needs are met, not only in our churches, but in the communities they live in and beyond—regardless of their religious affiliations.
101 SUNDAY SCHOOL MINISTRY focuses on training men and women to equip them so that they may begin Sunday School ministries in their villages and towns. We also provide outstanding Bible material, used not only for children, but also for adults. All material can be made ready for distribution.
GRACE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY is led by Senior Pastor FJ, who teaches through the Scriptures in the Urdu language using current technology, so that the messages can be made available on our website [link]. He teaches daily through many "groups" on the WhatsApp app. We also conduct face-to-face Bible conferences for pastors and teachers, as well as for young men and women interested in learning the deeper things of the Word of God.
"Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in
these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself
and for those who hear you." 1TI 4:16
As ACADEMIC EDUCATORS in Pakistan, we established Grace Academy English Medium School. It is a registered elementary school, educating up to the 8th grade—6 days per week. Our large staff all play a part in educating 200+ children as a grace ministry to their parents (no funds are required for the children to attend). Our goal is to not only teach them to read and write in two languages, but to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ, and train them to serve Him.
In our 3:16 Children’s Home for the Orphan, we currently have 20 children in residence who have lost a mother or father or both. Our house parents—one couple for the boys and another couple for the girls sacrifice daily for the needs of these children living among them. They, along with the children, help maintain the constant work need to adequately run a home of this size through daily shopping, preparation of meals and cooking, the daily need for maintaining a clean environment, as well as clothes washing.
In general, our PURPOSE or MISSION is to live out the Word of God in Pakistan and around the world, being imitators of Jesus Christ, preaching the Good News of the Gospel, and allowing the Holy Spirit to "make disciples" as we dedicate our lives in service to the people who come seeking Jesus—leaving the results up to God. We know this can be accomplished only through God’s love, in His strength, and exclusively by His provision, so that in all things God the Father may be praised through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ and our surrendered hearts.
We here at Grace Bible Church Pakistan want to acknowledge our love and gratitude to the royal families of God all over the world, who reveal that LOVE is an action word, by supporting us with their prayers that uphold us and their selfless hearts that support all the ministries sustained by God, which He has allowed in Pakistan.